Job Title
Office Phone Number
(01925) 603418
Office Location
Mobile Phone Number

I left school with basic GCSE certificates. I became an apprentice at GEC switchgear as a fitter wireman and eventually came out of my time and worked on a range of switchgear for a couple of years before being made redundant.

During this period I started studying basic engineering craft studies and went on to city and guilds and eventually an HND in High voltage switchgear.

After being made redundant I studied a range of City and Guilds including electronic servicing and started teaching at North Trafford College part-time and trained as a lecturer I also started and completed a degree with the Open University and went on to complete a post graduate diploma in design and innovation .

​​Then I started working for Daresbury Labs in the electronic workshop where I worked for 22 years supporting the SRS and NSF and a range of other projects linked to Daresbury.  Before being made redundant in 2012. For a period of 5 years after this, I worked at a number of outside firms before being re-employed by Daresbury to work for ASTeC in 2016. I am currently the line manager for 4-degree apprentices along with my main work as an electronic technician building prototype equipment for ASTeC and the Cockcroft Institute.

I am also a mentor, part of the dyslexia work group and Equalities, inclusion and diversity group.