17th-21st June 2024 - Harrogate Convention Centre
The European Vacuum Conference is returning to the UK in 2024, 36 years after hosting the inaugural EVC-1 in Salford!
The Harrogate Convention Centre, Harrogate, UK is to be the location of the 17th European Vacuum Conference (EVC-17) AND the European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-37) AND the 13th Vacuum Symposium UK (VS13). The IOP Vacuum Group and UKSAP meetings will also be included.

The conference topics are:
- Applied Surface Science
- Bio Interfaces
- Electronic Materials & Processes
- Nanometre Structures
- Plasma Science & Techniques
- Surface Engineering
- Surface Science
- Thin Films
- Vacuum Science & Technology
Keep a look out for further information at vacuum-uk.org.
Visit the Conference website.