EuCARD (link opens in a new window), an integrating activity co-funded by the European Commission under Framework Programme 7 which began on April 2009 for a duration of 4 years was concluded with a workshop at CERN. The workshop was followed by a one day workshop on “Visions for the Future of Particle Accelerators” and the formal kick-off meeting for the new follow-on project EuCARD-2. ASTeC participated in a number of workpackages in EuCARD; Assessment of novel Accelerator concepts, normal conducting Linac, Superconducting RF and High Field Magnets R&D.
EuCARD-2 (link opens in a new window) brings a global view to particle accelerator research, coordinating a consortium of 40 accelerator laboratories, technology institutes, universities and industry to jointly address common challenges for future generation of accelerators. By promoting complementary expertise, cross-disciplinary fertilisation and a wider sharing of knowledge and technologies throughout academia and with industry, EuCARD-2 aims at significantly enhancing multidisciplinary R&D for European accelerators, actively contributing to the development of a European Research Area in accelerator science. Peter McIntosh, ASTeC is co-ordinating the “Innovative RF Technologies” work package and ASTeC is also contributing to the RF photocathodes and CLIC crab cavities task within this WP.
As LHC is shutdown at present for the next two years, ASTeC participants; Deep Angal-Kalinin, Peter McIntosh and Boris Militsyn had an opportunity to visit the LHC tunnel to see the CMS detector.
As the LHC is shutdown at present for the next two years, ASTeC participants; Deepa Angal-Kalinin, Peter McIntosh and Boris Militsyn had an opportunity to visit the LHC tunnel to see the CMS detector (link opens in a new window).