The 3rd of the new International Particle Accelerator Conference (link opens in a new window) (IPAC) series and the first one in North America, took place at New Orleans, Louisiana, USA from 20 - 25 May 2012 and was chaired by the ex-founding Director of ASTeC, Dr Vic Suller (CAMD).
A total of 16 delegates from ASTeC participated in this conference, presenting one contributed oral and 40 poster papers, covering a wide variety of accelerator and technology areas, which included:
National Projects
- ALICE status & beam dynamics
- Electron Beam Test Facility overview, optics design, Photocathode R&D and ultra short bunches diagnostics with transverse deflecting cavity
- CLARA overview, compression schemes and FEL delay-line
- EMMA modelling, slow integer crossing, EBPM calibration, new injector, racetrack and orbit correction, Phase rotation experiment on EMMA for testing non scaling FFAG for PRISM
- LEBT experimental studies and wire scanner
- ISIS linac modelling
- FETS status
International Projects
- Cryomodule assembly
- CLIC collimation and permanent magnet quadrupoles
- European ELI-NP proposal
- ESS simulations
- LHC crab cavity
- In-vacuum undulator development
- Neutrino Factory NS-FFAG, proton driver, vertical orbit, high power scaling, Decay Ring, front end beam losses and cooling lattice
- PRISM FFAG design
- SwissFEL collimation
As member of the JACOW publishing team, Sue Waller supported the publication of >1200 paper submissions, throughout the duration of the conference. The ASTeC Director, Prof Susan Smith, chaired the Contributed Oral session on Sources/Alternative acceleration techniques and Dr Bruno Muratori also presented "New Results from the EMMA Experiment" in the Contributed Oral session on Particle Sources/Alternative acceleration techniques.
The conference pre-proceedings are available on the Fermilab website (link opens in a new window).
James Jones from ASTeC Bruno's presentation on Applications of ns-FFAGs Bruno Muratori