PIP-II team transports first cyromodule between UK and Fermilab
24 Jan 2024






A highly technical and delicate piece of equipment weighing 27,500 pounds (or 12,500 kilograms) just made a whirlwind transatlantic trip in its custom transportation frame.

The fully equipped prototype of a cryomodule is one of the many components that will be part of the new linear particle accelerator at the US Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The successful shipment was an important transportation test and part of Fermilab’s Proton Improvement Plan II project, PIP-II, which receives contributions from several international partners, including the United Kingdom.

The PIP-II project team is constructing a 215-meter-long, state-of-the-art superconducting particle accelerator to upgrade Fermilab’s accelerator complex. At 10 meters long, the HB650 is the largest cryomodule needed for the new accelerator. 

Four modules will make up the last section of the new machine. When complete, the PIP-II accelerator will produce the world’s most powerful neutrino beam for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.

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Contact: Baker, Emily (STFC,DL,AST)